Monatsarchiv: April 2018

What is the difference between shyness and fear?

Is it possible to live without fear in daily life? Time and thought are the main factors in establishing fear. Please, approach the question very simply, which means, approaching it without reference to past experiences. Can you be aware without … Weiterlesen

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Konstruktive Kritik

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In a nutshell: • Neuroception describes how neural circuits distinguish whether situations or people are safe, dangerous, or life threatening. • Neuroception explains why a baby coos at a caregiver but cries at a stranger, or why a toddler enjoys … Weiterlesen

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Fire in the Mind

Watch (or read) this dialogue:   First Conversation with Pupul Jayakar at Brockwood Park June 1982 Krishnamurti: What would be the greatest interest to you, to ask something that not only appeals to the West but also to the … Weiterlesen

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Loneliness is entirely different from aloneness. That loneliness must be passed to be alone. Loneliness is not comparable with aloneness. The man who knows loneliness can never know that which is alone. Are you in that state of aloneness? Our … Weiterlesen

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Keep far away where even you can’t find yourself

You should never be here too much; be so far away that they can’t find you, they can’t get at you to shape, to mould. Be so far away, like the mountains, like the unpolluted air; be so far away … Weiterlesen

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Der Mensch wohnt in der Liebe, zwischen Ich und Du

„Gefühle werden „gehabt“; die Liebe geschieht. Gefühle wohnen im Menschen; aber der Mensch wohnt in seiner Liebe. Das ist keine Metapher, sondern die Wirklichkeit: die Liebe haftet dem Ich nicht an, so dass sie das Du nur zum „Inhalt“, zum … Weiterlesen

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